Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday August 24

I'm sorry its been so long since my last entry,but for awhile everything seemed to be going great and the doctor decided I would just do a booster shot every 3 months so there was'nt a whole lot to tell.Then when I was only A couple weeks away from getting my booster shot I found another spot and started having dizzy spells every so often.I then went and talked to the doctor and he decided to start treatments back up for once a week.A week or two after starting treaments back up I found a couple more spots and the doctor decided to have me get an MRI to see what was causing my dizzy spells.When I got my results back they found a small spot on brain and then a month later they had me do another MRI and they found three more small spots,but they said they were so small that the scan could have missed them the first time.After a couple weeks into the treaments I have'nt found any more new spots. He is going to have me do another MRI in a few weeks to see if any thing has changed.Since I am still having dizzy spells sometimes, this thursday I'm going to go get a spinal tap to see if it is in my spine or not,so when I get the results back I will let you know as soon as possible.Again I'm sorry its been so long I will try to do alot more updates.Thanks for all you support it means alot to me.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


New posts will be coming soon.